Have you ever met a person who admits to nursing regrets ?these regrets can be many-not making a proper career choices,not having given enough time to family,the most common being not expressing your emotions to a person whom you once loved the most ,!Being beset with doubts about yourself &the life you have chosen is well recognized symptoms of MID LIFE CRISIS
Actually lets be honest,we all once in life think that life would have been different if we made some different choices .aptly termed as turning point decisions! The difference being how do we react to these thoughts,some of us dismiss it in the name of destiny while the other group believes that its we n only we who determine our paths
Mid life crisis is a period of dramatic self doubt that that is felt by some individuals as a result of sensing the passing of youth n entry of old age people start reassessing their achievements in terms of their dreams which results in significant"out of turn"decisions related to work,marriage.relationships &even physical appearance
If we all could accept the life that is meant for us.it would lead to greater satisfaction.the anger over "second best"never allows you to enjoy life to its fullest whats the use of crying over"ifs" &"wish i hadn't",the reality is circumstances were NOT different,time never goes in reverse mode&even after you deeply regret ,nothing's gonna change
One of the best novels about midlife crisis "BACK WHEN WE WERE GROWNUPS" BY ANNE TYLAR is about a woman Rebecca ,53,who has a so called successful life with kids n buisness suddenly realizes"that she had turned into a wrong person".She wonders what a lovely life she would have if she had not dumped her sweetheart to marry a man older than her .She takes up a long journey to find her"Long Lost life"but ultimately realizes that "THERE IS NO TRUE LIFE ,YOUR LIFE IS THE ONE YOU END UP WITH WHATEVER IT MAY BE.YOU JUST DO THE BEST YOU CAN WITH WHAT YOU HAVE GOT"
Follow your passion,make sure you have time for your loved ones &take responsibility of your decisions &their results because"YOU CANNOT CONNECT THE DOTS LOOKING FORWARD ,YOU CAN ONLY CONNECT THEM BACKWARD,YOU HAVE TO TRUST THAT THESE DOTS WILL SOMEHOW CONNECT IN YOUR FUTURE:STEVE JOBS"